More Details

More Details

Click + More Details at the top of the Asset Edit page to display additional settings available to the user, including the Detailed asset info options available under the Asset tab.

These options allow for more specific and complex functions, such as when using external devices alongside the telematics device.

Work time

Allows the Administrator to specify what kind of work time the user follows. Selecting an option from the dropdown menu allows the application to more accurately determine when an asset is being driven during office or personal time.


Specifies which timezone the user is operating in.

GO TALK language

Specifies the language in which the GO TALK device communicates with the driver.

Turn GPS receiver off

Specifies the length of time the GPS receiver remains active after the ignition is shut off. The default setting is for the GPS to deactivate immediately upon ignition shut off. You may want to modify this as keeping the GPS on can improve tracking on older devices when many stops are made.

Periodically wake GPS

Allows the Administrator to set a GPS unit to periodically wake when the asset is parked. This allows the GPS unit to quickly latch when the asset begins a trip, but it is important to note that it will also drain the battery at a faster rate. Note: this option should not be used with newer devices.

Hours of Service (HOS)

Allows the user to turn HOS settings on and off for an asset, as well as to set the application to automatically recognize when an asset is using HOS features. When using this setting, the application will use data from the telematics device to automatically record duty status logs when the asset is detected to be in motion.

Sleeper Berth

Enables the Sleeper Berth status for HOS drivers. This allows the fleet manager to ensure that only drivers with access to a sleeper berth in their asset have the access to this status.

Turn external device off

Allows the Administrator to control how long external devices, such as Garmin or Iridium, are left on after the asset is turned off.

Turn Driver ID relay on

Engages the Driver ID relay and overrides a Driver’s ID key. The setting will take effect immediately if the asset is currently connected to the service.

Turn Driver ID relay off

Turns the Driver ID relay OFF and overrides a Driver’s ID key. The setting will take effect immediately if the asset is currently connected to the service.

Use driver key to control Driver ID relay

Returns the Driver ID relay settings to default. The External Relay will be controlled by the Driver’s ID key if Driver Identification Reminder is enabled under the Driver Feedback tab. The setting will take effect immediately if the asset is currently connected to service.

Automatic asset management

Allows the system to determine which asset is using which device. The device serial number is automatically assigned to the appropriate asset  in the database.

Fuel tank capacity

Allows for manual input of the total fuel capacity for assets with more than one fuel tank. This can have a significant impact on the accuracy of fuel reporting.

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