Work Hours

Time Card Report

Work Hours

How to set up Device Work Hours

Work Holiday

How to Setup Work Holidays

Time Card Report

The Time Card Report provides an easy way to view how your drivers are spending their time while at work. The report can be run by vehicle or by driver depending on your needs. When the report is run, it lists each day the driver or vehicle was active, with the total duration of their activity, their driving time, idling time, and a graphical representation showing what percentage of their time was spent at customer versus non-customer locations. Hovering over the sections in the chart will display labels for each section with the corresponding duration and percentage.

Note: Vehicles that do not visit customer locations will simply have their non-customer duration listed in place of the chart.

The report can be downloaded as a PDF or Microsoft Excel file by selecting the Report button at the top of the page.



Work Hours

The Work Hours feature allows you to set hours of work for your drivers that will work in conjunction with your zones and rules to monitor your drivers’ activity during the workday. This can prevent unnecessary loss of productivity by monitoring late arrivals, early departures, long lunch breaks, unauthorized time at home, and long stops during the workday.

The Fleet Management application has four default work hours:

      • Early departure hours
      • Late arrival hours
      • Lunch hours
      • Standard hours

You can edit the existing default hours by selecting them and using the pen icon to modify the time for each day.

To add your own set of work hours:

      1. Select People > Schedule
      2. Select the Add button at the top of the page.
      3. Create a name for your work hours, and select a Holiday group, if applicable.
      4. Use the Add work time button to display options for selecting the date and time.
      5. Select the blue check icon to add your selections.
      6. Save changes in the upper left.

Once your work hours are set according to your needs, you can activate productivity rules on the Rules page to monitor driving habits.


How to set up Device Work Hours


      • MyGeotab
      • Activity
      • Work Hours


      1. Navigate to Activity 
      2. Click on Work Hours...
      3. Select Work Hours
    1. Choose Standard hours to edit the times or select from what's available
    2. Next Navigate to Vehicles
    3. Select vehicle 
    4. Click on More Details at the top
    5. Scroll down to work time and select which work hours will apply(your choice from above)
    6. Save


To bulk edit vehicles: 

      1. Select vehicles on the left
      2. Select the question mark on the top and choose all visible
      3. Select edit selected vehicles at the top
      4. Find the work hours option and choose which work hours will apply to these vehicles

Work Holidays

The Work Holidays feature allows you to set specific dates as holidays for your workers. This helps ensure the accuracy of your Time Card report after a holiday.

There are no default Work Holidays set in the Fleet Management application. To create a new Work Holiday:

      1. Select People > Holidays.
      2. Select Add from the top menu.
      3. Enter a name and a date for your holiday.
      4. Select a Holiday Group ID for your holiday. The default value for this field is 1.
      5. Select Save to add your Work Holiday or Cancel to go back to the previous screen.

Your new holiday will now appear in a list format on the Work Holidays page. You can select a holiday at any time to modify or remove it.

Note: The application currently does not support recurring holidays. Each holiday must be entered separately into the system for each year in which it occurs.

Holiday Group ID

If your fleet operates in regions that observe different holidays, you can use the Holiday group ID feature to create sets of holidays. Simply select a number to represent each region, and then use that number to assign a holiday to that region using the Holiday group ID field. Once you have assigned a holiday group ID to a holiday, the corresponding ID number will appear in the dropdown menu of holiday group ID numbers on the Work Hours page.

Note: The Holiday group ID must be a number. If you enter letters or special characters into the field, you will be prompted to change them when you select Save



  • When a day is specified as 'Work Holiday', It will be treated as after hours (the way we treat hours outside of work)
  • Group Id: This is a unique ID for the work hours. This allows grouping of work hours and holidays under one set. Any holidays with the same group ID will be grouped with those work hours.
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